Whitelist is a type of permission list used to manage purchasing permissions for land in the metaverse.
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Whitelist is a type of permission list used to manage purchasing permissions for land in the metaverse.
Last updated
The whitelist plan includes the following five modes for creators to choose from:
All Close - Prohibits all wallet users from purchasing any land plots.
All Open - Allows all wallet users to purchase any land plots.
Land ID Whitelist - Allows all wallet users to purchase specific land plots.
Buyer ID Whitelist - Allows specific wallet users to purchase any land plots.
Land & Buyer ID Whitelist - Allows specific wallet users to purchase specific land plots.
The whitelist mode defaults to closed sales mode. If you want to choose another whitelist mode, you need to click on one of the modes and then click "Update Contract" to update the whitelist mode.
Add Land ID to Whitelist:
Remove Land ID from Whitelist:
View the recently updated whitelist in "Current Land ID Whitelist".
To add a buyer ID to the whitelist:
To remove a buyer ID from the whitelist:
View the recently updated whitelist in "Current Buyer ID Whitelist".
To add/remove a Land and Buyer ID to the whitelist:
Follow the steps in "Mode 3" to update the Land ID whitelist;
Follow the steps in "Mode 4" to update the Buyer ID whitelist.
You can check the recently updated whitelist in the "Current Land ID Whitelist" and "Current Buyer ID Whitelist".
Check and click to prohibit all wallet users from purchasing any land plots.
Check and click to allow all wallet users to purchase any land plots.
Check ;
Enter the land ID in the blank field of "Land ID" and click ;
Click to update the whitelist mode for all wallet users to purchase specific land plots.
Check ;
Enter the land ID in the blank field of "Delete Land ID" and click ;
Click to update the whitelist mode for all wallet users to purchase specific land plots.
Check the option.
Enter the buyer's wallet address in the "Wallet Address" field and click ;
Click to update the whitelist and allow the specific buyer to purchase the designated land plots.
Check the option.
Enter the buyer's wallet address in the "Delete Address" field and click ;
Click to update the whitelist and remove the buyer's permission to purchase the designated land plots.
Check ;