The Uniqueness

We are committed to creating a metaverse ecosystem where users generate content.

Point of Difference
AlliMeta Metaverses
Other Metaverses

Constructing your own metaverse.

Build your own metaverse and manage your own brand.

Can only purchase land from other metaverses. Can't create your own metaverse.

Making a profit with land.

Ability to define numbers of land parcels, while selling new land for profit.

Limited to purchase land from existing metaverses and resell it for a higher profit.

The arrangement of land tiles.

Land tiles can be freely arranged or rotated to create your own style.

Fixed. Land tiles can only be arranged in a monotonous grid pattern.

Whitelisting for Initial land sale.

The whitelist for land and buyers can be customized. It is recorded on the blockchain for ease of market promotion and avoidance of witch attacks.

It is not possible to customize the whitelist for land and buyers, making it easy to attract witch attacks.

Land can be rented to earn rentals.

The ownership of land (landlord) and the right to use land (tenant) can be set with the time of the lease being regulated and executed by the blockchain.

Land cannot be rented to others. Landlords can only buy and sell land, limiting the economic value and social division of labor of land.

Multiple ways to profit from land.

Land can be sold, rented, merged, or rented out from the advertising billboard on the house for additional income.

There is only one way to be profitted from land, which is buying and selling lands.

The metaverse creator extracts taxes when trading.

The metaverse creator can define the tax for each transaction.

The creator of the metaverse must follow the transaction split ratio of the metaverse they are in.


Landlords or tenants can freely hang 3D billboards and post 2D ads on the map layer.

Limited to 2D map layer advertisements only.

Running the metaverse using a browser.

The metaverse runs on a browser, in accordance with the decentralized principles of web3.0, with optimized loading speed.

The metaverse is not decentralized, most of it runs on an app, which is vulnerable to hacking attacks.

The way in which the metaverse connects to the blockchain.

The metaverse is seamlessly connected through the browser and the blockchain, ensuring security.

The metaverse directly connects to the blockchain, making it vulnerable to attack by hackers.

Issue your cryptos

You are free to issue your token as both primary and secondary tokens to create a new token economy.

Not allowed to issue your own.

Maker economy

Support third-party services. Both Makers and users can be benefitted and be contributed to the economy of the metaverse.

Does not support third party services.

NFT assets

Create your NFT assets and ecosystem

It is not allowed to issue or create your own NFT in the metaverse.

Connecting to external information and services beyond the metaverse.

Can connect to a variety of network services beyond the metaverse, including web3, web2, web1, and even real-world services.

A closed metaverse system that cannot connect to external information and services beyond the metaverse.

*Some features are under developing

Last updated