Key Components

AlliMeta consists of various key components:

  • World - A decentralized virtual world with its own landscape, made up of virtual assets that is created and maintained by projects using AlliMeta tools. Users can enter the world and manage their own virtual life within it.

  • Land - Land is the basic unit of composition in the world. Land can be sold, rented, and advertised. Land is an NFT asset and ownership of land (landlord) which present as partial ownership of the metaverse, and participation in the metaverse's DAO governance as a citizen to jointly shape the metaverse. Land is a virtual asset NFT that can be freely traded on an NFT exchange, with the price determined by the market.

  • House - House is a building on land that is presented in 3D, showcasing the uniqueness and identity of the landowner (or tenant). House can be sold or advertise. House is a NFT asset that allow users to enter interior, connect to other location within the world, or third-party network service (web1, 2, 3) outside the world. House is an NFT asset that can be freely traded on an NFT exchange, with the price determined by the market.

  • Interior - The interior is an inside of a house, presented in 3D to showcase the uniqueness and identity of the owner (or tenant). The interior provides users with a virtual space for entertainment, exploration, and socializing. Users can install NFTs and 3D models to create immersive experiences, or install various services to generate income, such as providing 3D malls, art galleries, poker rooms, or band performance spaces. The interior is a virtual asset NFT that can be freely traded on an NFT exchange, with the price determined by the market.

  • Services - Services are various applications generated by third-party developers and creators. Users can activate services through houses or interiors; and services can be web3 supported by 3D, VR, and other related technologies such as web1, 2, or even real-world services.

  • NFT Marketplace - AlliMeta's metaverse is composed of various NFT virtual assets, and all NFT assets can be exchanged, priced, and traded. Users can mint, exchange, price, and trade other NFT assets which are minted by other users in the metaverse, including avatars, houses, furniture, art, or services.

  • Decentralized NFT Asset Circulation - Based on the Ethereum network, AlliMeta allows users to transfer assets from the metaverse to the Ethereum or bring physical or virtual assets into the Metaverse such as NFTs. This allows users to not only decentralize the circulation of their personal assets but also potentially benefit from their contribution to the Metaverse ecosystem.

  • Token economy - Each metaverse creator can issue their token and be part of the AlliMeta token economy. Through the use of the UniSwap service, creators may pair with primary and secondary tokens of AlliMeta, to initiate the token economy in the metaverse.

  • Avatar - Avatar represents the user who is seen by other players in the metaverse. It is the visual identification of personal identity and social interaction. Users can use different avatars according to their preferences. Users can interact and socialize through voice or text chat using their avatar, just like in a multiplayer game. Users can also trade tokens or NFTs directly with other avatars. In the future, users will be able to upload actions or use motion capture gear to achieve different body movements for their avatars, even their real-time expressions. Avatar is a virtual asset NFT that can be traded freely on the NFT exchange, with prices determined by the market.

  • API - AlliMeta provides an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows third-party makers and creators to develop consensus, reduce the workload for developers, and accelerate development timelines without the need for understanding AlliMeta's technical and logical details.

  • Decentralized storage - Using distributed world data nodes - AlliNode is to store media files for the metaverse: including metadata, text, NFT images, and 3D models.

  • Governance mechanism - Enables stakeholders in the metaverse to vote on managing directions and infrastructure of the metaverse. The governance mechanism of the metaverse is designed specifically for the governance of the metaverse.

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