Payment and Tax Model

Use of Service Must be Paid for

While AlliMeta NFTs and DeFi are based on the Ethereum network, NFTs allow users to enjoy and protect the property of the owner in the metaverse; DeFi allows users to freely and independently complete various forms of transactions in the metaverse. This ensures that the interests of all participants are consistent, enabling each user not only to circulate personal assets, but also to profit from their contributions to the metaverse ecosystem.

At the same time, in order to realize an open, efficient, stable, and sustainable metaverse system, we have designed a blockchain-based token payment and tax mechanism for the metaverse based on the principle of blockchain user payment:

Fee Principles:

  1. Paid services.

  2. The contribution will generate income.

  3. Co-work to construct the metaverse will be rewarded.

Fee parties:

  1. AlliMeta

  2. Metaverse builders

  3. Asset creators (3D models, Avatars, artworks...)

  4. Service providers

  5. End-users

Fee occurs:

  1. NFT-related e.g. generating NFT, trading NFT, etc.

  2. DeFi related e.g. depositing, borrowing, exchanging currency, etc.

  3. Official services e.g. whitelist, land leasing, advertising (2D, 3D), contract activation related, etc.

  4. Third-party services e.g. advertising marketing, games, concerts, airdrops, parades, etc.

  5. Direct transactions between users e.g. trading NFT, exchanging currency, giving currency, etc.

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