本白皮書中描述的 AlliMeta 平台上的產品和服務,需要在每個相關司法管轄區獲得每個必要的許可和/或每個相關政府機構和/或當局的批准,或者 AlliMeta 與在每個相關司法管轄區內擁有此類必要許可和/或批准的實體機構合作,以便此類實體開展相關的受監管活動。
The offering of the products and services described in this whitepaper on the AlliMeta platform are subject to, where necessary in each relevant jurisdiction, the obtaining of each requisite license and/or approval from each relevant government body and/or authority, or the partnering of AlliMeta with entities that have such requisite licenses and/or approvals under each relevant jurisdiction for such entities to conduct the relevant regulated activities.
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